
Over the years, I've worked with early-stage startups, migrated tech from legacy codebases, and worked on some open-source projects. Here are some of the projects that I've worked on:

Jamango! logo


A browser-native sandbox game platform. Allowing anyone to create and play user generated worlds.

During my time at Jamango, I was part of a small team of excellent engineers. I was mostly working on the web dev part of the platform, creating UIs and managing data that interacts with the game engine. Building core features like world management, inventory, node programming, and etc.

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Bun
  • SQL
  • Docker
  • AWS
  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Three.js
Jamango! Landing Page
Jamango! Play Now Section
Jamango! Programming Section


Mini lets you add interactivity to your web apps without leaving your HTML.

Mini.js is a minimal JavaScript library that I co-created with Tony and Jen. From a given prototype, I've created the initial version of the library. Building and enhancing core features involving the traversal of AST, manipulation of DOM nodes, dynamic attributes / event bindings, scoped variables, etc.

  • JavaScript
  • Vite
  • NPM Packages
  • GitHub Actions


Sutle is a platform for saving and organizing online resources into a directed learning path. It helps you to save resources you found useful online, and craft your own learning path that you can share with others.

Sutle is the first side project I made after college. It started as a TypeGraphQL tutorial app then became After building the first version of Sutle, I decided to launch it. It then got featured on Product Hunt. With it, I gained some experience in building and shipping a fully functioning web application.

Moving forward to 2022, I was dissatisfied with the tech stack I built it with. I wanted to move fast and use a tech stack I'm most comfortable working with. With that, I decided to do a rewrite and redesign of Sutle. Tho I decided to discontinue it on 2025.

  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Vercel
  • Sentry
  • Railway
  • Paddle
  • Postmark
Sutle Learning Path Page
Sutle Landing Page
Sutle Profile Page

Suikun UI

Suikun UI, Sui for short, is a copy-pastable React.js UI components built with TailwindCSS and Radix UI.

Even since before, I've always wanted to create my own UI components. Then I got introduce to Tailwind CSS at work to which I decided to give it a go. After a while, I came to love it especially that it has an existing design system that I can quickly use. However, it's missing an important piece for me which is variants.

In my journey in creating my own components, I've come across Stitches in its alpha stages which solved what I've wanted. However, I still wanted to use TailwindCSS since it gave me a base design system to work with. Then came CVA which made composing variants with classnames much easier. With Tailwind Variants, it got improved more with its responsive variants, slots, etc.

Moreover, seeing shadcn/ui, it gave me the push to finally start working on it. Currently, will do some renovations on it.

  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Vercel
  • Radix UI
  • Stitches
  • CVA
  • Tailwind Variants
Sui Button Page
Sui Landing Page
Sui Input Page


Built a no-code database from the ground up that can manage remote databases and link records across tables and database to each other.

It makes use of a virtual grid where users can manipulate both the data and meta-data of tables, fields and records. In this project, I was heavily involved in product design in which I help shape up the idea and sketch up flows with Excalidraw.

  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Excalidraw
Powerbase Landing Page