Hi, I'm Joeylene.

Product-focused software engineer experienced in building apps from the ground up.

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Joeylene (jorenrui) on an ATV

Builds apps from the ground up.

Currently working as a Sr. Product Engineer on a browser-native gaming platform at Jamango!, previously at Tonic Labs.

I'm experienced with building products from the ground up due to working with early-stage startups.

On the side, I'm building Suikun UI, my own UI kit, and Sutle, a platform for organizing resources into a directed learning path.

Mainly uses ReactJS, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, PostreSQL, and Rails but open to learning new things.


Skills that I offer and would love to do but not limited to.

UX Design

I turn ideas into user flows, thinking out the most optimal path in solving a user needs. I focus on the essentials and aim to be minimal, helping with bringing out an MVP for your product.

What I do

  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping

Tools I use

  • Figma
  • Excalidraw
  • React Icons
  • Notion

Frontend Development

Consistency and ease of use of UI components are my focus when writing code. Either following or creating a design system based on the mockups, I do them both while being thoughful of accessibility and performance.

Languages I use

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Markdown
  • Git

Tools I use

  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • MDX
  • TailwindCSS
  • Tailwind Variants
  • GitHub
  • Terminal
  • VSCode
  • Vercel

Database Design

By understanding how data flows and used through research, viewing forms, and design, data gets normalized and structured in a way that is most efficient when queried and accessed by APIs.

Diagrams I create

  • Conceptual Data Model
  • Data Normalization
  • Entity Relationship Diagram

Tools I use

  • draw.io
  • Excalidraw
  • Notion
  • SQL

Backend Development

Following conventions, I write APIs that is maintainable and easily understood by other developers. Whether authentication, background jobs, uploading files or even sending emails, I'm experienced enough to build what is needed. If not, I am a learner willing to venture out of what's unknown.

Languages I use

  • Ruby
  • SQL
  • Git

Tools I use

  • Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • GitHub
  • Terminal
  • VSCode
  • Heroku
  • Railway


Some of the latest side projects that I'm currently working on.

Suikun UI

Copy-pastable React.js UI components built with TailwindCSS and Radix UI.

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Landing page of Suikun UI


Sutle is a platform for saving and organizing online resources into a directed learning path. It helps you to save resources you found useful online, and craft your own learning path that you can share with others.

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Landing page of Sutle


Focused on making meaningful product impact.

User needs over own biases.


  • Jamango!
    2023 - Present
    Senior Product Engineer
    County Dublin, Ireland
  • Tonic Labs
    2022 - 2023
    Senior Product Engineer
    County Dublin, Ireland
  • Tonic Labs
    2021 - 2022
    Full Stack Developer
    County Dublin, Ireland
  • Lyon Software Technologies
    2020 - 2021
    Full Stack Developer
    Manila, Philippines

Latest Blog Posts

Thoughts and concepts I've written about.

A picture of a blog post entitled "Copy Paste - Glide Data Grid" by @jorenrui / September 09, 2022.

Copy Paste - Glide Data Grid

by @jorenrui / November 08, 2022 / #opinions

At work, I was tasked to add the copy-paste functionality to our app. We are currently using Glide Data Grid in displaying records of a remote database. Luckily the grid has a built-in copy paste support so I was able to implement it with a custom callback.

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iPad that has sutle.io profile of jorenrui opened in a Firefox browser.

Sutle Beta: A Fresh Redesign

by @jorenrui / October 17, 2022 / #changelog

I am happy to announce that Sutle is now in beta featuring a new tech stack and design. It also includes new features such as branching out or forking a learning path, reordering path items, and a new profile page.

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A Minecraft-like sandbox game. There's a block selector at the bottom which includes a grass, dirt, cobblestone, wood and leaves block. In front, there are grass and leaves block placed in the terrain.

Minecrafui - A Case Study

by @jorenrui / September 09, 2022 / #case study

Minecrafui is a simple Minecraft clone built to practice ThreeJS. It includes the basics features of the game such as first-person camera view, movement controls, collision detection, inventory / block selector, and sound effects.

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