After launching beta, there are some updates that we’ve made to Sutle. For this changelog, we introduce collections for organizing your resources, made improvements to the bookmark notes, added metadata to some pages, and upvoted paths page.
Resource Collection (Pro Users only)
We’re happy to announce that resource collections are now on Sutle! Besides organizing resources by tags, you can now also organize them by collection. Think of them as “folders”. Unlike tags, each collection has its page accessible at
You can create collections either by going to the create collection page or by creating a new option on the create bookmark page.

Collections you’ve created can be found under the Profile Page which you can use to filter resources.

In the future, we’ll be adding more to collections, allowing users to add learning paths and other collections in a collection.
Upvoted Paths in Profile
You can now view the list of learning paths you’ve upvoted. Currently, the total count of upvoted learning paths can be seen on the user’s profile page. Clicking it will navigate you to the User’s Upvoted Learning Path Page.

Bookmark Notes Markdown
We did some improvements to the notes under the bookmark page. Currently, it supports:
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
I am a normal text.
Italic, Code, and Bold text
I am _italic_, while I am **bold**.
Code Inline and Code Block
I am a `code inline`.
I am a code block.
const site = '';
> I am a blockquote
- Unordered List
- Unordered List
- Unordered List
1. Ordered List
2. Ordered List
3. Ordered List
An example of its usage is this:

Sutle Latest News
To know the latest updates on Sutle, we’ve put a news card along with where the latest resources and learning paths are placed.

Metadata / OG
We also added metadata to the following:
- Bookmark Page
- Learning Path Page
- Profile Page
Sample display of the following pages are as follows:

Minor Improvements
We also did some minor updates such as:
- Upgraded our Tech Stack, Next.js from v12 to v13.
- For private learning paths, there is now a private badge displayed under the user’s profile page.

- The student count is now displayed in the learning paths under the user’s profile page.

Bug Fixes
We also did a couple of bug fixes:
- Fix: Learning Path Students Page not working for non-logged-in users.
- Fix: Inconsistent display of users under Learning Path Students and Upvotes Page.
If you encounter any issues, you can report it at
What’s Next
For the next updates, we are pausing the development of collections and will prioritize the following:
- Adding a browser extension for bookmarking resources and adding them to learning paths.
- Reporting Users and Learning Paths.
- Improving reordering learning path items on mobile devices.
Anyways that’s all, till next time 👋