
CreatorDecember 2020 - Present

Sutle is a platform for saving and organizing online resources into a directed learning path. It helps you to save resources you found useful online, and craft your own learning path that you can share with others.

Landing page of Sutle


Sutle is the first side project I made after college. It started as a TypeGraphQL tutorial app then became After building the first version of Sutle, I decided to launch it. It then got featured on Product Hunt. With it, I gained some experience in building and shipping a fully functioning web application.

Moving forward to 2022, I was dissatisfied with the tech stack I built it with. I wanted to move fast and use a tech stack I'm most comfortable working with. With that, I decided to do a rewrite and redesign of Sutle.

Tech stack

The tech stack used in Sutle Beta are:

  • Rails - Ruby MVC framework.
  • PostgreSQL - object-relational database system.
  • ReactJS - JavaScript library for building user-interfaces.
  • NextJS - ReactJS framework.
  • TypeScript - JavaScript with syntax for types.
  • TailwindCSS - utility-first CSS framework.

It also uses the following services:

The Intial Version - Sutle Alpha

The initial version of Sutle was built with TypeGraphQL, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, NextJS, ReactJS, Stitches and Radix UI. Though later in beta, I replaced the backend with Rails, and the front-end styling solution with TailwindCSS.

Read more about the creation of Sutle in this three-part series: